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hygiéniste dentaire a londres


09/10/2013 à 18h46

j aimerais savoir des infos sur la formation hygiéniste dentaire a Londres.
Ou si vous pratiquer ce métier à Londres. Car je comptes rejoindre ma soeur a Londres et en parallèle faire cette formation la bas..Car en france, j ai du mal a trouve un patron !


10/10/2013 à 17h05

Hi, do you speak English?

I can put you in touch with a hygientist who works in the UK if you can.


10/10/2013 à 18h18

yes i speak a little english !
can u help me for the job?

this is my email : [email protected] thanxxxxxxxx


10/10/2013 à 18h48

I've sent her an email asking if she doesn't mind me giving you her email address. I'll let you know.


10/10/2013 à 20h36

thx u!
it is for the study hhygienist dental uk


11/10/2013 à 15h08

Ok so my hygienist contact in the UK has replied.

She says go to and that there are lots of "good people" on there so you should get some help from some kind folk :-).

She also gave me her email address to pas on to you but I'll put that in a PM so it's not on the open forums.

Good luck :-)


19/10/2013 à 11h16

Did you receive my MP?