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driver for dsx 730 usb julie


16/03/2016 à 16h22

Hello everyone
I am new to the forum
I am a fellow Italian.
I ask your help because I have an old rvg quickray dsx 730 julie usb but the disk with drivers and is demagnetized.
any of you can help me?
Thanks in advance

Zorba le grec 1373406512 108 lfk5ey - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 16h38

Tu trouveras le driver sur


16/03/2016 à 16h45

zorbalegrec écrivait:
> Tu trouveras le driver sur

J'ai essayé, mais il n'y a pas.
Je leur ai écrit un e-mail, mais ai pas de réponses

Zorba le grec 1373406512 108 lfk5ey - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 16h51

Et bien change de RVG

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 16h52

Le site est a la dérive.
Cherche sur eugenol, il y 3 à 6 mois, un programmeur julie a laissé des liens sur un serveur perso. Faut chercher...
Si tu ne trouves pas, dis le, il y a possibilité de te faire un iso pour que tu graves ce qu'on appelle l'OSP qui contient les drivers.
Dis nous ou tu en es.


16/03/2016 à 16h58

adhoc écrivait:
> Le site est a la dérive.
> Cherche sur eugenol, il y 3 à 6 mois, un programmeur julie a laissé des liens
> sur un serveur perso. Faut chercher...
> Si tu ne trouves pas, dis le, il y a possibilité de te faire un iso pour que tu
> graves ce qu'on appelle l'OSP qui contient les drivers.
> Dis nous ou tu en es.

thank you all
I write in English because I find it easier.
I checked the site Owandy but the part of the driver is not available.
I also did a search on the forum but did not find anything.
the model and the old, do not use it as much but I find myself in the situation of having to use because the new ones are in service.
It is a dsx 730 usbquickray julie

I'm from Naples Italy

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 17h12

adhoc écrivait:
> Le site est a la dérive.
> Cherche sur eugenol, il y 3 à 6 mois, un programmeur julie a laissé des liens
> sur un serveur perso. Faut chercher...
> Si tu ne trouves pas, dis le, il y a possibilité de te faire un iso pour que tu
> graves ce qu'on appelle l'OSP qui contient les drivers.
> Dis nous ou tu en es.
Ok my friend

I translate

Owandy's site is quite neglected.
Try to find on eugenol site. 3 to 6 months ago, a Julie's programmer gave some links on his personal server. You have to do some researches (no time for the moment, this evening yes)
If you dont find, it's possible to make for you one ISO file from OSP , from which you can find DSX730 driver.
Tell us if you dismissed or successfull in eugenol researches.


16/03/2016 à 17h24

adhoc écrivait:
> adhoc écrivait:
> ---------------
> > Le site est a la dérive.
> > Cherche sur eugenol, il y 3 à 6 mois, un programmeur julie a laissé des liens
> > sur un serveur perso. Faut chercher...
> > Si tu ne trouves pas, dis le, il y a possibilité de te faire un iso pour que
> tu
> > graves ce qu'on appelle l'OSP qui contient les drivers.
> > Dis nous ou tu en es.
> >
> Ok my friend
> I translate
> Owandy's site is quite neglected.
> Try to find on eugenol site. 3 to 6 months ago, a Julie's programmer gave some
> links on his personal server. You have to do some researches (no time for the
> moment, this evening yes)
> If you dont find, it's possible to make for you one ISO file from OSP , from
> which you can find DSX730 driver.
> Tell us if you dismissed or successfull in eugenol researches.


Thanks for your help
I'm waiting
Meanwhile I try to seek

X ray 03 medium zvq18j - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 18h07

I also own a DSX730 USB evo 2

I just re installed JULIE on my new PC under SEVEN X64

You will find ALL the camera or Xray driver in owandy

" O.S.P
Pilotes et utilitaires pour l’ensemble de nos dispositifs"


16/03/2016 à 18h19

cyber_quenottes écrivait:
> I also own a DSX730 USB evo 2
> I just re installed JULIE on my new PC under SEVEN X64
> You will find ALL the camera or Xray driver in owandy
> " O.S.P
> Pilotes et utilitaires pour l’ensemble de nos dispositifs"
> thank you
but I do not know why but the page does not open.
I do not know if my and evo 2
I know it is a very old model there is only written dsx 730 quickray julie

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 18h27

Merci cyber, du boulot en moins!
Dan, it's a zip download, with chrome, you see downloading progression leftbottom side.


16/03/2016 à 18h31

adhoc écrivait:
> Merci cyber, du boulot en moins!
> Dan, it's a zip download, with chrome, you see downloading progression
> leftbottom side.

of course ...
but unfortunately also with other browsers do the page will open the zip file


16/03/2016 à 18h34

Impossibile raggiungere il sito ha impiegato troppo tempo a rispondere.

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 18h44

I tried cyberquenotte's link, no problem...
Perhaps, an IP filter (like M6 replay -televison-) , just valuable from france????
I will download it for you, and will give you the link as soon as possible.


16/03/2016 à 18h55

adhoc écrivait:
> I tried cyberquenotte's link, no problem...
> Perhaps, an IP filter , just valuable from france????
> I will download it for you, and will give you the link as soon as possible.

I thought the same thing too ...
OK thanks

X ray 03 medium zvq18j - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 19h24

tell us the exact model ( picture ? )
system ( windows ? )
inside card ou outside box ?


16/03/2016 à 19h52

This device is very very old do not use it as much, but the last time it worked perfectly.
here's to you the photos.
I worked with windows xp?? o 7 32 bit?
this is not a problem because I can take a notebook again and set any system.
thank you

20160316 185802 resized xttwjx - Eugenol
20160316 185753 resized wq6g6l - Eugenol

X ray 03 medium zvq18j - Eugenol

16/03/2016 à 20h56

I do have the same system with this basic metal box

I run it with a basic OSP that allow me to put it ON permanently which is according to me the best way to use electronic devices

tomorrow I will put all the stuf on dropbox


16/03/2016 à 21h10

cyber_quenottes écrivait:
> I do have the same system with this basic metal box
> I run it with a basic OSP that allow me to put it ON permanently which is
> according to me the best way to use electronic devices
> tomorrow I will put all the stuf on dropbox



16/03/2016 à 21h32

cyber_quenottes écrivait:
> I do have the same system with this basic metal box
> I run it with a basic OSP that allow me to put it ON permanently which is
> according to me the best way to use electronic devices
> tomorrow I will put all the stuf on dropbox

Adhoc sent me a zip file, see if I can solve.
otherwise you'll notice.
thank you

X ray 03 medium zvq18j - Eugenol

17/03/2016 à 10h51

check your private message


07/12/2016 à 10h21

dan655 écrivait:

> I write in English because I find it easier.

et t'as essayé l'italien ?

si le berceau de notre civilisation prend l'eau on est foutu .
la belle Europe, sans US, sans anglais, ni australien ni canadien, ni etc... mais tout en anglais...

il y a encore du travail pour la rendre présentable.

alors j'avais la réponse mais je ne te la donnerai qu'en walof.

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

07/12/2016 à 10h30



07/12/2016 à 12h42

adhoc écrivait:

oui, langage des sourds muets...c'est bien aussi, au moins c'est excusable


28/12/2018 à 11h52

cyber_quenottes écrivait:
> I also own a DSX730 USB evo 2
> I just re installed JULIE on my new PC under SEVEN X64
> You will find ALL the camera or Xray driver in owandy
> " O.S.P
> Pilotes et utilitaires pour l’ensemble de nos dispositifs"

bonjour quelqu'un aurait il encore ces fichiers svp?