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26/02/2020 à 09h47

Bonjour à tous,

utilisez vous un autre produit que le coepack pour protéger vos greffons épithélio-conjonctifs ?

Il est quand même assez embêtant à manipuler..



26/02/2020 à 10h08

On my hand i don't knoe a real competitive material tha coe pack. I prefer the fast type ( green box), tha the reagular, too slow for hardening in the end of the surgery..
The key to manipulation is to put or some alcool on the glove before to manipulate or a layer of hand soap.I prefer the second option because I think which a pure alcool aren't well tolerated by the soft and bleeding tissues. The soap still don't are appreciated by patient by its taste..
The key is to way the right hardness of the mixed product on the mixing spatula uder a flow of water just to made a temporary insulating film before start to manipulate. Vice versa all Coe pack hard in your glove finger....



28/02/2020 à 11h11

Oui il est pas facile à manipuler je suis d'accord... il faut être assez rapide :)


13/10/2020 à 12h46

perso, bonnes sutures , mise en rien d'autre