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Parlons science le RDV du mardi

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

27/12/2023 à 19h43

Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was the occurrence of inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders that were selected as plantar fasciitis (ICD code, M72.2), rotator cuff syndrome (M75.1), adhesive capsulitis (M75.0), herniated intervertebral disc (HIVD) (M50.2/M51.2), spondylosis (M47.9), bursitis (M71.9), Achilles tendinitis (M76.6), and de-Quervain tenosynovitis (M65.4). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders after adjusting for potential confounders.

Results Among the 2,218,715 individuals, 1,882,640 (84.9%) received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 336,075 (15.1%) did not. At 12 weeks after vaccination, the incidences of plantar fasciitis (0.14-0.17%), rotator cuff syndrome (0.29-0.42%), adhesive capsulitis (0.29-0.47%), HIVD (0.18-0.23%), spondylosis (0.14-0.23%), bursitis (0.02-0.03%), Achilles tendinitis (0.0-0.05%), and de-Quervain tenosynovitis (0.04-0.05%) were higher in all three vaccinated groups (mRNA, cDNA, and mixing and matching vaccines) when compared to the unvaccinated group. All COVID-19 vaccines were identified as significant risk factors for each inflammatory musculoskeletal disorder (odds ratio, 1.404-3.730), except for mixing and matching vaccines for de-Quervain tenosynovitis.

Conclusions and Relevance This cohort study found that individuals who received any COVID-19 vaccine were more likely to be diagnosed with inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders than those who did not. This information will be useful in clarifying the adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines and informing people about their potential for inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders after vaccination.

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

30/12/2023 à 19h58

COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lie
It is unfortunately common for politicians or bureaucrats to tell lies. However, what made the COVID pandemic unique was the frequency and significance of the lies that were told. On Monday, new documents revealed that the justification for vaccine mandates was based on a falsehood that public health officials were aware of. This was a major revelation.

Emails acquired through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveal that in January 2021, when the COVID-19 vaccines were widely available, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, and the former Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, were aware of and discussed “breakthrough cases” of COVID-19.

In her email, Walensky says that “clearly,” it is an “important area of study,” links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

In private, Rochelle Walensky discussed data indicating that vaccinated individuals could still carry and spread COVID-19.

However, in public, she made contradictory statements claiming that vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick”.

Later, when it was discovered that people could still get infected with COVID-19 after being vaccinated, Walensky defended her original statements by saying they were true at the time.

She meant that the strands we were dealing with in early 2021 were not the same as the more infectious Delta variant. However, we now know that her initial statements were not entirely true, and Walensky knew this to be the case.

Jay Bhattacharya, who is a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, finds it “stunning” to know that despite the knowledge of vaccinated people contracting and spreading the virus, vaccine mandates were still pushed.

While getting something wrong in a vacuum may not be harmful, pushing vaccine mandates while knowing the possibility of vaccinated people contracting and spreading the virus is indefensible.

Orpbgo1fqyjs91wo1zkalmp68wtz - Eugenol


31/12/2023 à 13h02étude%20EPI%2DPhare%2C,pourraient%20être%20d%27ordre%20immunitaire.


31/12/2023 à 13h18

EU Parliament Supports Granting Access to Sensitive Health Data Without Asking Patients
An opt-out system.

By Didi Rankovic
Posted 3:14 pm

If you're tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

The latest European Parliament (EP) efforts, grappling with how to allow access to sensitive medical records without patients’ permission, while still maintaining a semblance of caring for privacy, has had an update.

Last week, a plenary vote in this EU institution revealed that while most EP members (MEPs) want to allow that access – and in that manner – they are also opposed to wholesale, mandatory creation of electronic records for every person in the EU.

The scheme is known as the European Health Data Space, and it received the support from an EP majority.

As privacy and digital security advocate, lawyer and MEP Patrick Breyer notes on his blog, this database would be accessible remotely, and consist of health records of each medical treatment.

It was only thanks to an amendment accepted at the last minute (proposed by Breyer, of Germany’s Pirate party, and several other EP groups that do not form the EP majority) that nation-states will be able to let their citizens object to having their sensitive health data harvested into this interconnected system of medical records.

Breyer also notes that in his country, Germany, as well as in Austria, the (always unfortunate, as in being the opposite and negative version of “opt- in”) “opt-out” in this matter is already in place.

Now, the (in)famous complexities of EU decision-making are coming to the fore, and the text of the legislation that the EP passed will be the subject of negotiations between the bloc’s 25 national governments where the “opt-out” is at this time out of the question.

All this is a problem because, as Breyer put it, “For many patients who have little time or limited language skills, or who are older, it is too complicated to have to object in writing to a specific authority or to use digital tools to object.”

His second amendment – that would have mandated patient consent before their medical data is shared with researchers and doctors, has been rejected.

“A compulsory electronic patient file with Europe-wide access entails irresponsible risks of theft, hacking or loss of the most personal treatment data and threatens to deprive patients of any control over the collection of their illnesses and disorders,” this MEP commented, slamming the idea as the end of medical confidentiality by any other name.

Breyer is concerned that people suffering from some highly sensitive illnesses and disorders, or in need of procedures of the same nature, might find themselves deterred from seeking help – with their problems and those faced by their families only deteriorating from there on.

“In the trilogue negotiations, I will fight to ensure that national opt-out schemes are clearly allowed for in the legislation,” the MEP writes.

Rape p0as4f - Eugenol

01/01/2024 à 10h27

Juste pour faire plaisir en ce debut d'année

Schooner For Ever

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

02/01/2024 à 18h40

rapelapente écrivait:
> Juste pour faire plaisir en ce debut d'année
> 🤣😂😇
> --
> Schooner For Ever

Que veran soit encore dans ce gouvernement montre l'état déplorable de ce gouvernement

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

03/01/2024 à 10h00

et dire que certain s'imaginent que l'industrie et notamment pharmaceutique est là pour autre chose que faire du fric

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

03/01/2024 à 11h43

Le bal des Conspis :-)))

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

03/01/2024 à 14h39

adhoc écrivait:
> Le bal des Conspis :-)))

mais non ce sont les bisounours qui dirigent e monde

Le pouvoir économique a pris le pouvoir politique. Faire passer pour un charlatan Didier Raoult par des guignols docteur de plateau TV n'est qu'une des fables que tu continus à soutenir. Un moment faut revenir à la réalité.

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

03/01/2024 à 14h46

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

05/01/2024 à 09h18

Covid-19 : l’hydroxychloroquine responsable de 16 990 morts, un "scandale sanitaire"
Sciences. Ces travaux, publiés mardi 2 janvier dans une revue scientifique, analysent le nombre de décès liés à ce médicament controversé, prôné notamment par Didier Raoult. L’estimation est très "sous-estimée", précisent les auteurs.

Rape p0as4f - Eugenol

05/01/2024 à 12h02

Didier RAOULT a copieusement répondu à ces sottises ce matin sur Cnews.
Je me demande ce qu'ils cherchent encore?
Un contre feux à des procédures en cours ?

Schooner For Ever

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

05/01/2024 à 15h45

Et hier sur Sud radio

Lorsque je lis la motivation de justice pour blanchir Dupont Moretti, je pense qu'ils se considèrent intouchables.

Rape p0as4f - Eugenol

05/01/2024 à 20h26

Gros rebondissement à Marseille !

Schooner For Ever

Dhbpcimgz0misg8v3659xcffrbjp - Eugenol

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

06/01/2024 à 08h50

Quand la modélisation extrapole sur la réalité et dépasse la réalité.

Zqg664avck8k4wok4g2470jezfvy - Eugenol
Semaiqc7xsv3j3bz65liycnvi2rm - Eugenol

Rape p0as4f - Eugenol

06/01/2024 à 09h53

Pour les lusophones:

Schooner For Ever

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

11/01/2024 à 13h43

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

17/01/2024 à 21h52

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

17/01/2024 à 22h06


18/01/2024 à 10h14

Pour ceux qui n'ont pas twitter ou ne suivent pas Didier Raoult
"Ces vaccins, contrairement à leurs indications et à toutes les règles pharmaceutiques, contiennent des quantités considérables (100000 copies par ml) d’ ADN, alors qu’elles ne devaient en contenir que des traces. Ces copies d’ADN associées au plasmide qui a permis de créer l’ARN ont été démontrées, à d’autres occasions, dans le passé, comme des agents de cancer, en particulier de lymphomes et de leucémies:
Dans ce vaccin, l’ADN est enrobé de lipides qui lui permet de rentrer dans la cellule et de s’ intégrer dans le noyau avec des conséquences inconnues . Le vaccin a été vendu pour n’avoir que des traces d’ADN , et, en réalité dans nos expériences actuelles, nous confirmons qu’il contient 100000 copies par ml plus le plasmide entier qui lui permet de rentrer dans le noyau .
La précipitation avec laquelle ce vaccin a été préparé (milliards de doses en quelques mois) explique l'absence de contrôles et le risque incalculé de cette vaccination massive pour une épidémie qui aurait été mieux gérée par la pratique médicale quotidienne que par les philanthropiques milliardaires."

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

19/01/2024 à 07h43

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

19/01/2024 à 09h10

" Et bienvenue a notre ami Christophe.98, on n'oublie pas le point !
- bonjour Chrichri
- bienvenue dans notre club des Conspis anti tout.
Raconte nous ton itinéraire, Christophe, qu''est ce qui t'a amené jusqu'à nous; nous qui voulons remettre en question le monde entier?

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

19/01/2024 à 09h52

adhoc écrivait:
> " Et bienvenue a notre ami Christophe.98, on n'oublie pas le point !
> - bonjour Chrichri
> - bienvenue dans notre club des Conspis anti tout.

Désolé, mais je suis pour le port d'arme et loin d'être anti tout ni même d'être "conspi".

4ms3n1khgh8wjggluiuwi8k5g9b8 - Eugenol

Edoyx0h82hohhelon7mwzvhtd07d - Eugenol

19/01/2024 à 11h16

c'est conspi de lire une étude ?

Avatar transparent iqadnc - Eugenol

19/01/2024 à 11h31

>Désolé, mais je suis pour le port d'arme et loin d'être anti tout ni même d'être "conspi".


Lol, mon grand, on recrute souvent les Conspis parmi les libertaires et l'extreme droite religieuse qui adorent l'amendement numero je ne sais plus lequel et je m'en tape pour le port d'armes aux US.
