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OZONE couche


29/02/2008 à 12h37

apres le naOcl, le L.A.S.E.R, voila l'ozone... on en parle deja depuis des années mais de plus en plus de publications mettent en evidence ses bienfaits dans la desinfection.
on m'a preté un appareil allemand qui fabrique de l'ozone en faisant passer des electrons a travers du verre.
on le passe sur une aphte ou sur un herpes, plus de douleur le lendemain sur l'aphte et l'herpes guerit en quelques jours sans acyclovir.
C'est indolore, ca a l'air inoffentif, ca sent juste un peu bizarre.

un espèce de cathéter est livré pour la desinfection endodontique... il est precisé que le canal doit etre sec et sans suppuration. on insere le catheter dans la canal et on injecte le gaz.

Sur le papier ca a l air sympa. Le gaz penetre jusqu a 6 mm en profondeur des tissus mous. On pourrait meme passer l'instrument a la surface de la gencive en zone apicale quand il y a perte osseuse vestibulaire mais il ne passe pas la racine. utile pour les periimplantites et plein d autres choses comme la paro.

Ca coute 3000 euros. j ai pas mal de publi pour ceux que ca interesse, je vais tester ca pour voir sur dents extraites avec des periotest pour voir ce que cela vaut.

Stephane, pour les coiffages pulpaire il disent que c'est ideal car pas de traumatisme chimique, juste une petite elevation de temperature si on approche trop de la pulpe. t en a deja entendu parlé j imagine, je ne sers ici que ce que m'a dit le dentiste responsable de la formation...donc mefiance.

t en penses quoi.

Pa050055 igyagy - Eugenol

29/02/2008 à 12h45

Stéphane, que penses-tu de la poudre de perlimpimpin? :)


29/02/2008 à 19h19

1: Ortop Traumatol Rehabil. 2003 Oct 30;5(5):652-8. Links
Superficially, longer, intermittent ozone theraphy in the treatment of the chronic, infected wounds.
Białoszewski D, Kowalewski M.
Zakład Rehabilitacji, Oddizł Fizjoterapii, II Wydział Lekarski AM, Warszawa; Katedra i Klinika Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narzadu Ruchu AM, Warszawa.
Background. Ozone therapy - i.e. the treatment of patients by a mixture of oxygen and ozone - has been used for many years as a method ancillary to basic treatment, especially in those cases in which traditional treatment methods do not give satisfactory results, e.g. skin loss in non-healing wounds, ulcers, pressure sores, fistulae, etc. Material and methods. In the Department of Phisiotherapy of the Medical Faculty and the Department of the Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Locomotor System at the Medical University of Warsaw in the period from January 2001 until November 2002, 23 patients with heavy, chronic, antibiotic resistants septic complications after trauma, surgical procedures and secundary skin infetions were treated with ozone. The ozone therapy was administered using an authorial technique of superficially, longer, intermittent ozone application. Results. In the wounds of the all experienced patients the inhibition of septic processes and wound healing was much faster than normal. Conclusions. Our data confirm the advantages wich result from the technique of superficially, longer, intermittent ozone theraphy in combined treatment for septic complications in the soft tissue, especially in the locomotor system. These technique makes posttraumatic infections and promotes quicker healing of post-surgical and post-traumal complications - chronic septic infections. This method also lowers the cost of antibiotic therapy and is sometimes the only available auxiliary technique to support surgical procedures.
PMID: 17679848 [PubMed - in process]

Ann Acad Med Stetin. 2005;51(2):39-42. Links
[Ozone therapy with the OzonyTron apparatus]
[Article in Polish]
Skomro P, Opalko K, Gadomska-Krasny J, Lietz-Kijak D, Perzanowska-Stefańska M.
Zakład Propedeutyki i Fizykodiagnostyki Stomatologicznej Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej al Powstańców Wlkp 72, Szczecin.
PURPOSE: OzonyTron is one of the newest devices for the generation of ozone. The aim of this study was to assess the benefits of ozone in some pathologies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ozone therapy was used in 20 patients, including eight with lip herpes, five after dental surgery and chiseling of third molars, six with seborrheal inflammation of facial skin and one with mycosis of the toes. RESULTS: Treatment with OzonyTron is noninvasive and painless. The oxidative properties of ozone are exploited to combat microbial infection. Thus, the device is valuable primarily for its antiseptic action. Following ozone therapy, a very good effect was observed in each case.
PMID: 16519095 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1: Br J Dermatol. 2005 Dec;153(6):1096-100.
The dual action of ozone on the skin.
Valacchi G, Fortino V, Bocci V.
Department of Physiology, University of Siena, Siena 53100, Italy. [email protected]
The aim of this brief review is to summarize the recent literature on the effect of ozone (O3) on cutaneous tissues. Recently it has been reported that a chronic contact with O3 can be deleterious for the skin. Our group and others have shown a progressive depletion of antioxidant content in the stratum corneum and this can then lead to a cascade of effects resulting in an active cellular response in the deeper layers of the skin. Using an in vivo model we have shown an increase of proliferative, adaptive and proinflammatory cutaneous tissue responses. On the other hand the well known activity of O3 as a potent disinfectant and oxygen (O2) donor has been also studied for therapeutic use. Two approaches have been described. The first consists of a quasi-total body exposure in a thermostatically controlled cabin. This treatment has proved to be useful in patients with chronic limb ischaemia. The second approach is based on the topical application of ozonated olive oil in several kinds of skin infection (from soreness to diabetic ulcers, burns, traumatic and surgical wounds, abscesses and skin reactions after radiotherapy). We and other authors have observed a striking cleansing effect with improved oxygenation and enhanced healing of these conditions. It is now clear that, on the skin, O3, like other drugs, poisons and radiation, can display either a damaging effect from a long exposure or a beneficial effect after a brief exposure to O2 and O3 or to the application of ozonated oil to chronic wounds.
PMID: 16307642 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

Ozone as Janus: this controversial gas can be either toxic or medically useful.
Bocci V.
Department of Physiology, University of Siena, Italy. [email protected]
Ozone is an intrinsically toxic gas and its hazardous employment has led to a poor consideration of ozone therapy. The aim of this review is to indicate that a wrong dogma and several misconceptions thwart progress: in reality, properly performed ozone therapy, carried out by expert physicians, can be very useful when orthodox medicine appears inadequate. The unbelievable versatility of ozone therapy is due to the cascade of ozone-derived compounds able to act on several targets leading to a multifactorial correction of a pathological state. During the past decade, contrary to all expectations, it has been demonstrated that the judicious application of ozone in chronic infectious diseases, vasculopathies, orthopedics and even dentistry has yielded such striking results that it is deplorable that the medical establishment continues to ignore ozone therapy.
PMID: 15203558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Br J Biomed Sci. 2007;64(1):44-9.
The case for oxygen-ozonetherapy.
Bocci V.
Department of Physiology, University of Siena, via Moro 2, 53100, Siena, Italy. [email protected]
Ozone is a very reactive gas that is toxic to the respiratory system. However, under controlled conditions, it can be therapeutically useful in several human diseases. An unfavourable combination of factors (ozone is one of the worst troposphere pollutants) and past misuse have led to misgivings about ozonetherapy. However, basic and clinical work developed over the past 10 years has clarified the fundamental mechanisms of action of ozone in biology and medicine. Interestingly, judicious doses of ozone dissolved in blood trigger a cascade of well-defined chemical compounds acting on multiple cellular targets according to well-known molecular, biochemical and pharmacological pathways. Ozonetherapy is proving to be very useful in age-related macular degeneration, ischaemic and infectious diseases, and in wound healing disorders, where conventional medicine has failed. Critical evaluation of the potential therapeutic utility of this simple, inexpensive medical application by national and international health authorities is warranted and may lead to clinical benefit for a large proportion of the world's population.
PMID: 17444419 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
DIMDI: Thieme-Verlagsdatenbank (TV01) © Thieme-Verlag
Autoren: Noetzel J; Kielbassa AM
Titel: Ozone - a Useful Treatment Modality in Dentistry?
Ozon, ein sinnvolles therapeutisches Mittel in der Zahnmedizin?
Quelle: WR; VOL: 115 (11); p. 485-491 /200611/
ISSN: 0044-166X
UT: Bacteria; Biocompatibility; Caries; Disinfection; Ozone; Root Canal; Bakterien; Biokompatibilität; Desinfektion; Karies; Ozon; Wurzelkanal
AB: Formation of the gas ozone was first observed and reported by the chemist Schönbein in 1832. Ozone is the most powerful oxidizing agent and is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Due to the mentioned properties ozone has been industrially used for purification of mineral water and sewage treatment for several decades. Additionally, ozone is used in medicine as disinfectant and for therapeutic actions. However, in dentistry application of this gas has been generally considered to be experimental so far. Recently published studies have shown that ozone is highly efficacious during treatment of initial carious lesions. Beyond this, the use of ozone in periodontics as well as in endodontics appears to be promising. However, sound scientific studies to this subject matter are needed.

Department of Operative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. [email protected]
PURPOSE: To determine whether the treatment of dental caries with ozone was possible in apprehensive children and to ascertain whether ozone reverses caries in open single-surface lesions. Further, the influence of ozone on laser fluorescence was investigated. METHODS: 82 lesions in 28 children with at least two open single-surface lesions were assessed. The children were anxious and were judged by the referring dentist as non-treatable. For each test lesion, which was treated with ozone, a control lesion was left without ozone treatment. Hardness and laser fluorescence values were assessed and the changes for hardness and laser fluorescence values in the test lesion were compared with the values in the control lesion after 2, 4, 6, and 8 months. RESULTS: 94 percent of the children were treatable and 93% lost their dental anxiety. The hardness values improved significantly in the ozone-treated test lesions after 4, 6, and 8 months (P< 0.05) compared with baseline while the control lesions had no significant change in hardness at any recall interval. Comparing the differences between test and control teeth over time, the laser fluorescence values improved, however the improvement was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). The use of ozone resulted in an average reduction of 13% of the laser fluorescence values immediately after the ozone treatment.
PMID: 17073201 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, Dental School and Hospital, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany. [email protected]
Microorganisms remaining beneath restorations can cause secondary caries and pulp damage. Because of this, antimicrobial treatment could be useful. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial effect of the HealOzone device on Streptococcus mutans and to compare it with the already proven activity of two dentin-bonding systems. Thirty-five human molars were divided into 5 groups. Cavities were then cut into the teeth (n = 28 cavities per group). After sterilization, the teeth were left in broth cultures of 10(6) colony-forming units (CFU) ml(-1) of S. mutans at 36 degrees C for 48 h. The appropriate treatment followed (group A, control; group B, Clearfil SE Bond; group C, Clearfil Protect Bond; group D, 40 s of treatment with ozone; and group E, 80 s of treatment with ozone), and the cavities were then filled with composite resin. After 72 h, the restorations were removed, dentin chips were collected with an excavator, and the total number of microorganisms was determined. All treatments significantly reduced the number of S. mutans present compared with the control group. The antimicrobial effect of both bonding systems and treatment with 80 s of ozone was significantly higher than the 40 s ozone treatment. In conclusion, HealOzone and the bonding systems show striking antimicrobial effects against S. mutans.

PMID: 16911107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Department of Restorative Dentistry, GKT, King's College London, London SE1 9RT, UK. [email protected]
There is growing interest in the use of ozone in oral healthcare and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) is at present reviewing the evidence for its effectiveness in the management of occlusal and plain surface caries. These are only two of the clinical problems for which ozone can, and has, been used; it has also been employed for a wide variety of other purposes in both dentistry and medicine. This pale blue-coloured gas plays an important role as a natural constituent in the higher layer of the Earth's atmosphere. There is growing evidence that it can be employed as a useful therapeutic agent. This paper reviews its therapeutic uses to date and suggests its possible future clinical applications. Consumer demands for this strong oxidant may increase as the general public becomes increasingly aware of its therapeutic capacity and the non-invasive manner in which it can be administered.
PMID: 15901432 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The results of clinical and laboratory assessment of effectiveness of PSR-diagnosis are presented. The high efficacy of ozone therapy is revealed. The findings demonstrate the reduction of number in the micro-organisms in root canal: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans from 31.25% to 10.21%; Bacteriodes forsythus from 68.75% to 15.50%; Treponema denticola from 37.5% to 11.4%; Porphyromonas gingivalis from 56.25% to 45%; Prevotella intermedia from 16% to 0%.
PMID: 16353031 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, Center for Dental Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland. [email protected]
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of direct high-dose gaseous ozone application (2100 ppm) on dentin and enamel shear bond strength. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten bovine enamel and dentin samples per group were pretreated as follows: (I) ozone application (Healozone, KaVo) for 60 s alone or (II) with subsequent application of a fluoride- and xylitol-containing antioxidant (liquid reductant), (III) light-activated bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide for 5 min serving as negative control (Hi-Lite, Shofu), and (IV) untreated enamel and dentin (positive control). Specimens were bonded with a functional 3-step adhesive system (Syntac Classic, Ivoclar Vivadent) and restored with a composite (Tetric Ceram, Ivoclar Vivadent) according to the Ultradent method. After storage in water at 37 degrees C for 24 h, shear bond strength was measured using a Zwick universal testing machine. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Scheffe's post hoc analysis. Results: In concordance with the existing literature, bleaching resulted in significantly decreased bond strength (p < 0.05) on enamel specimens. No decrease in shear bond strength was detected for ozone-pretreated specimens compared to untreated controls. CONCLUSION: Despite a possible retention of surface and subsurface oxide-related substances during high-dose ozone application, shear bond strength was not impaired. Thus, adhesive restoration placement should be possible immediately after ozone application for cavity disinfection.
DIMDI: Thieme-Verlagsdatenbank (TV01) © Thieme-Verlag
ND: TVs-2007-983916
Autoren: Karapetian VE; Lowden E; Zöller JE
Titel: The Use of Ozone in Periimplantitis-Treatment
Die Verwendung von Ozon in der Periimplantitistherapie - Klinische Studie
ISSN: 0044-166X
Institution: Interdisziplinäre Klinik und Poliklinik für Orale Chirugie und Implantologie und Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund- Kiefer- und Plastische Gesichtschirurgie der Universität Köln
UT: Periimplantitis; Ozontherapie
AB: Definitionsgemäß ist die Periimplantitis eine Situs-spezifische periimplantäre Entzündungsreaktion an einem sich unter Funktion befindlichen Implantat mit progressivem Verlust an knöchernem Stützgewebe . Morphologisch können verschiedene Erscheinungsformen des periimplantären Knochenabbaus differenziert werden, wobei trichter- bzw. schüsselförmige und spaltartige Destruktionen des Hartgewebes auftreten. Neben den knöchernen Defekten sind klinische Zeichen einer Mukositis und Gingivitis des periimplantären Weichgewebes typisch. Zur Prävention einer Periimplantitis ist die dauerhafte Aufrechterhaltung einer adäquaten Plaquekontrolle durch den Patienten und die Durchführung eines geeigneten Recall-Systems notwendig. In der Literatur beschrieben findet man die Anwendung von nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika in Form von Gelen, Zahnpasten und Spüllösungen. Der Nachweis des Therapieeffektes ist allerdings noch in kontrollierten klinischen Multicenterstudien zu erbringen . Ein bekanntes Agens zur Keimreduktion ist Ozon, das seit über 100 Jahren aufgrund der desinfizierenden Eigenschaft in der Medizin angewendet wird. Die bakterizide, viruzide und fungizide Eigenschaft beruht auf dem starken Oxidationseffekt des Singulettsauerstoffs. Zusätzliche zeigt Ozon einen positiven therapeutischen Effekt auf die Wundheilung durch Steigerung der lokalen Durchblutung . Zur medizinischen Therapie wird Ozon gasförmig oder als "ozonisiertes" Wasser angewendet. Auch in der Zahnheilkunde wird ozonisiertes Wasser zur intraoralen Wundbehandlung eingesetzt und bewirkte im Vergleich zu Kontrollwunden einen beschleunigten Heilvorgang .
The definition of periimplantitis is a site-specific periimplant inflammation of implants which are in functional use. This inflammation induces progressiv course of bone loss. . There are different manifestations of osseous loss like funnelled, bowled, and fissured destructions. As well there are found typical soft tissue inflammations like mucositis and gingivitis. For the prevention of periimplantitis an adequate and steady plaque control must be ensured on frequent recall appointments. In literature the use of non-steroidal antiphlogitic medication is recommended, but the therapeutical effect still has to be proven by clinical multicenter studies . A well known agent to reduce bacteria is ozone, since more than hundred years its disinfecting quality is used in medicine. It is bactericide, virucide and fungicide due to strong oxidation effect of singulet-oxygen. In addition ozone shows a positive wound healing effect due to the increase of tissue circulation. In medical and dental use, ozone is presented gasiform or as ozonized water and showes an increased healing compared to wound healing without ozontherapy .
Department of Conservative Dentistry, St. Bartholomew's and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK.
The aims of this present study were (1) to assess the antimicrobial effect of ozone from a novel ozone-generating device (Heolozone, USA) [0.052% (v/v) in air delivered at a rate of 13.33 ml.s(-1)] on primary root carious lesions (PRCLs) and (2) to evaluate the efficacy of ozone specifically on Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. In study 1, 40 soft PRCLs from freshly extracted teeth were randomly divided into two groups to test the antimicrobial effect on PRCLs from exposure to ozonated water for either 10 or 20 s. Half of a lesion was removed using a sterile excavator. Subsequently, the remaining lesion was exposed to the ozonised water for a period of either 10 or 20 s (corresponding to 0. 069 or 0.138 ml of ozone, respectively). Using paired Student t tests, a significant (p<0.001) reduction (mean +/- SE) was observed in the ozone-treated groups with either a 10-second (log(10) 3.57+/-0.37) or 20-second (log(10) 3.77+/-0.42) ozone application compared with the control groups (log(10) 5.91+/-0.15 and log(10) 6.18+/-0.21, respectively). In study 2, 40 sterile saliva-coated glass beads were randomly divided into two groups for each micro-organism. One glass bead was put into each bijou bottle with 3 ml of Todd-Hewitt broth. S. mutans and S. sobrinus were inoculated anaerobically overnight. Each glass bead was then washed with 2 ml of phosphate-buffered saline. Immediately, 10 s of ozone gas was applied to each glass bead in the test groups. There was a significant (p<0.0001) reduction (mean +/- SE) in ozone-treated samples for S. mutans (log(10) 1.01+/-0.27) and S. sobrinus (log(10) 1.09+/-0.36) compared with the control samples (log(10) 3.93+/-0.07 and log(10) 4.61+/-0.13, respectively). This treatment regime is an effective, quick, conservative and simple method to kill micro-organisms in PRCLs. Ozone gas application for a period of 10 s was also capable of reducing the numbers of S. mutans and S. sobrinus on saliva-coated glass beads in vitro.

voila c etait pour la poudre de perlimpimpin


29/02/2008 à 23h09

mark Wrote:
> Stéphane, que penses-tu de la poudre de
> perlimpimpin? :)

L'ozono therapie est etudiee depuis plusieurs annees en restauratrice et prevention. Le concept est interessant, mais a ma connaissance, les resultats restent a etre eprouves.

En endodontie, cela a ete abandonne.
Pour le coiffage pulpaure et la desinfection superficielle pourquoi pas; mais il y a d'autres possibilites plus simples je pense

Grueavatar nptrc9 - Eugenol
Le Choixpeau magique

01/03/2008 à 00h23

Et quid de la toxicité pour le praticien et le personnel ?

Marque a3 orange fyvhyq - Eugenol
Marc Apap

01/03/2008 à 09h08

Ben l'ozone, ça retire les boutons sur la figure quand on a de l'acnée.
Le pb, c'est la pénétration de l'ozone dans les tissus cariés. Ca doit être tellement superficiel que c'est négligeable. Et en plus, le Healozone ne fournit qu'à condition de former, avec son petit capuchon de caoutchouc transparent, une zone parfaitement hermétique pour éviter que le gaz s'échappe. On voit à quel point c'est pratique si on attaque une face bombée de la dent.


01/03/2008 à 10h37

le nouvel appareil que je test est un peu plus etudié semble t il, il possede 6 differents embouts qui s'adaptent aux differents soins a faire en bouche
attention, je ne dis pas que c merveilleux, je dis que peut etre la technologie a evoluee et que cette therapie pourrait faire une retour sur la scene

Blason dql7mj - Eugenol

01/03/2008 à 10h50

l'ozone a de nombreuses applications:

par exemple elle permet une alternative à la trithérapie préconisée pour l'éradication d'helicobacter pylori.
