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NHS et santé des grand breton.
21/01/2020 à 08h40
Health of poor British adults is now WORSE than it was for those who grew up in the Great Depression and WWII, finds study of 263,000 people
University College London research studied UK household survey responses
A third of poor British men and a fifth of women now say they have bad health
This rose from a quarter and one in seven among those born in 1920-22
Expert suggests widening wealth gap may be to blame for worsening health
Poor British people in 2020 are unhealthier than those born into poverty 100 years ago, a study has found.
Adults on low incomes who were born in 1920 enjoyed better health between the ages of 30 and 60, compared to those born in 1970.
The study considered how many people are living with long-term illnesses which are considered 'life-limiting' – such as heart failure, as well as self-reported health.
While a quarter of the least well-off men born in the early 20th Century were found to be in bad health, that figure has now risen to one in three.
21/01/2020 à 09h05
Bah oui, à Londres pour les soins dentaire tu vas dans le privé, pour le reste aussi quand tu peux, de mémoire un suivi de grossesse c'est une écho, point barre... enfin c'est rustique!