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15 ans de camp de travail.

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

12/06/2021 à 06h06


Kim Jong Un declared K-Pop a 'vicious cancer' that threatens North Korean culture
North Korea has pushed back on cultural influence from its southern neighbor and beyond.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called K-Pop a "vicious cancer" that we wants stamped out.
He has been waging war against other cultures' influence, painting it as a threat to North Korea.
State media said K-Pop and its catchy tunes could make North Korea "crumble like a damp wall."
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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called K-Pop a "vicious cancer" and painted it as a threat to his country.

The New York Times reported that Kim made the comments as part of a broader campaign against the catchy music genre that originated in South Korea.

He said it harmed the "attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors" of North Koreans. The Times reported that state media said it could make North Korea "crumble like a damp wall."

Insider previously reported that North Korea has been cracking down on foreign cultural influences.

The Times reported that North Korea made a new law in December that could give people up to 15 years in a labor camp for consuming South Korean entertainment.


Ylfwcw979cz1jnx9gfqeaxndiuzk - Eugenol

12/06/2021 à 10h08

En même temps... qui de normalement constitué écoute de la Kpop?


On a toujours le choix mais entre quoi et quoi?
Vas-y boulégue et l'avenir te le dira!

Implant wq5dd1 - Eugenol

14/06/2021 à 09h32

Les, il me reste encore plus de 20 ans de camp de travail (c'est comme ça que je le vie) à faire à mon cabinet :(


14/06/2021 à 16h41

Sinuslift :
Pourtant, tu peux écouter la musique que tu veux dans ton camp de travail !