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Tweet rigolo

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 03h16

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 03h18

S8ysxdzhdqgw00w4q6m07a5d47q2 - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 07h18

Tu ferais pas mieux de dormir à cette heure-là??

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 07h29

6szjws718sv1jksw54v4mpj3a6cu - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 07h52

À force, tu vas finir par me donner envie de voter pour lui.
Le souci c'est que face à Macron il y a nobody, pas un candidat présentable.

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 08h07

Youtube rigolo aussi

Screenshot 20190204 160354 2 ookelm - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 08h12

C'est le frérot à Hokusai qui a des insomnies aussi ! Le co/videlesommeil ! C'est paradoxal tout ça 😴

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 08h18

Ah, un autre youtube rigolo auquel vous me faites penser.

Mais on lui a pas demandé quelle heure il est là bas.

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 08h24

vulpi écrivait:
> À force, tu vas finir par me donner envie de voter pour lui.
> Le souci c'est que face à Macron il y a nobody, pas un candidat présentable.

Es tu certain?

Screenshot 20190204 160354 2 ookelm - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 08h26


Ylfwcw979cz1jnx9gfqeaxndiuzk - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 13h43

Wak... t'en a pas marre de nous balancer des fake?
Toi et tes copains comploto-antivax-liberaux ça commence à fatiguer...


On a toujours le choix mais entre quoi et quoi?
Vas-y boulégue et l'avenir te le dira!

G7hbjiu9j6jzlvbqs81g7tqh7fap - Eugenol
Pqcdz0mklaoe2vl5mbrl1iikgmwx - Eugenol

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 15h56

Je regrette Algi, mais c'est vrai, il s'agit de l'aticle 4 d'une proposition de loi déposée par Mme Élodie JACQUIER‑LAFORGE, députée Modem

La voici :

Dernier point, ce tweet est de Denis Payre, tu devrais à minima te poser des questions quand cela émane d'une personne comme lui.
C'est un peu la différence entre un Denis Payre et un Darmanin, un est libéral, entrepreneur et a réussi, l'autre est un politique classique qui a du pouvoir, en est ivre jusqu'à déposer des plaintes sur des photos montées, pour le coup, en fake news.
Ceci dit, je comprends mieux, au fil du temps, l'agressivité observée. Le refus de la réalité et l'accusation de complotiste et fake news sont devenus des réflexes quand cette réalité dépasse la fiction.

Peut être, un jour, auras tu un doute sur un gouvernement qui veut légiférer contre les fake news.

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

20/01/2022 à 16h35

Du coup je suis allé voir Diane de Fontarlier.
Elle a toute sa place ici. Humour appréciable

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

22/01/2022 à 07h21

Laurent DUPLOMB, sénateur LR

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

22/01/2022 à 07h36

Pendant ce temps au sénat Italien, une coupure dans le direct

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

22/01/2022 à 08h47

Jean Castex : « Omicron est plus dangereux mais moins sévère ». Fin de la blague. Ils savent même pas ce qu’ils racontent

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

24/01/2022 à 07h51

Image fun pour le coup

la raison ici :

4q6pm7c2aazuzb03addjaurmpi4h - Eugenol

Orezza gazeuse verre litre ocoxey - Eugenol

24/01/2022 à 10h47

ha ha ha 24/09/2019 !!!! 2 0 1 9 !!!! Je pense qu'il va faire ma journée !

Screenshot 20190204 160354 2 ookelm - Eugenol

24/01/2022 à 11h10

Il fait toujours tourner les serviettes...

P2eqdh3csim6s7nb09ktdq3e7ev8 - Eugenol

24/01/2022 à 11h33

Marik has over 400 peer-reviewed journal articles and 50 book chapters under his belt.

Some key excerpts from his testimony can be seen below via Granite Grok:

This is not controversial. It has been made controversial by politics and special interests.

I’ve been practicing critical care for 35 years.

I’ve published over 600 peer reviewed papers.

After penicillin, this is the second most important drug ever produced. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives across this planet in poor underserved countries. So, we’re just going to talk about Ivermectin.

It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines.

3.7 Billion doses have been dispensed to humans, to human beings… not horses.

This is a remarkable drug. It has broad spectrum anti-parasitic, effective against a whole bunch of parasites, and as we heard, it is very effective against RNA viruses: HIV virus, zika virus, influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2 virus. In addition, what makes this a truly astonishing drug, and there is no other drug like it, it is a potent anti-inflamatory drug.

And if anybody knows about Covid, Covid goes through stages. A viral replicative phase to a profound inflammatory phase. That’s why Ivermectin is unique in that it treats across the spectrum of SARS-CoV-2.

It’s safe and well tolerated.

Ivermectin acts on a number of different pathways to inhibit viral replication. This is not theoretical. This is shown in the lab and this is shown in patients … it kills the virus. So any assumption that it doesn’t is false propaganda.”

You’ll see an 83% improvement in prophylaxis trials. 66% improvement in early trials. 34% improvement in late trials. A 52% reduction in mortality. It reduces mortality by half.

More via Granite Grok:

Dr. Marik left no stone unturned, and addressed the FDA’s propaganda statement, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously y’all. Stop it. You should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid-19 using the drug Ivermectin which can be dangerous and even lethal.”

So that is an outright lie. It’s dishonest and it’s an outrage.

As we’ll see, this is a highly effective drug, and Ivermectin has never killed a single person. It is one of the safest drugs on this planet.

What is really interesting is Ivermectin is safe in 79 countries in the world. Let me say that again… it is approved in 79 countries.

Let’s look at Covid-19 vaccines in one year: 14 thousand deaths and over two million serious adverse events. This does not include the 20,000 deaths in the VAERS database which is probably a tenth of all deaths due to the vaccine. This is their data.

So somehow the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are safe and effective, yet Ivermectin is a dangerous horse deworming medicine. That is an absolute outright lie. The data speaks for itself. This is not my data. This is from the WHO.

More people have died from Tylenol, which is an over-the-counter medicine, than Ivermectin. As I said, it is one of the safest medications on this planet.

Dr. Marik then compared Ivermectin to Remdesivir (the EUA drug that is pushed on Covid patients in hospitals). There is no comparison…

The cost of Remdesivir: $3,000 a shot. Ivermectin: pennies.

Remdesivir increases the risk of dying by 4%. This is used throughout the entire country as first line therapy for hospitalized patients. It increases the risk of death by 4%, and what is most outrageous is the federal government gives hospitals a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill for medicare patients if they prescribe Remdesivir.

It is disturbing that our federal government is financially incentivizing the use of an experimental treatment that increases the risk of dying.

Ivermectin reduces the risk by 50%.

This is a cheap drug. It is exceedingly safe. It is exceedingly effective. And patients should be offered the right to use this drug.

If Ivermectin had been promoted at the beginning of this pandemic, we would not be sitting here today.

Dr. Marik’s testimony (cued up below), is very convincing and well worth the watch, as is the Q&A that took place afterwards with the Committee Members.

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

24/01/2022 à 17h35

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

24/01/2022 à 17h36

Utilisateur banni

24/01/2022 à 20h49

casa écrivait:
> ha ha ha 24/09/2019 !!!! 2 0 1 9 !!!! Je pense qu'il va faire ma journée !

et pour ta soirée

Orezza gazeuse verre litre ocoxey - Eugenol

25/01/2022 à 08h18
2018, la varicelle.... Ha ha ha le clown 🤡.

Photo thumb 45 lnhuvp - Eugenol

25/01/2022 à 08h49

casa écrivait:
> 2018, la varicelle.... Ha ha ha le clown 🤡.

Tu es pénible à ne strictement rien comprendre. Publication de 2019. C'est la différence entre des vaccins qui marchent pour imuniser et ne pas transmettre la maladie et des vaccins qui ne marchent pas pour bloquer la transmission de la maladie et n'immunisent pas.


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