Cookie Consent byPrivacyPolicies.comYou have an american or an english patient - Eugenol

You have an american or an english patient

Utilisateur banni

18/11/2016 à 10h25

You are very happy to have a new patient. But you don't speak fluently. With your excellent accent, the patient doesn't understand anything. So what can you do?

There are some sentences that can help you :
- Step right in Mr Brexit
- Pleased to meet you Mr Brexit
- Would you like to come through ?
- Please, sit down Ou please, lie down
- How old are you ? What is your name ? Could you spell it please?
- What medications do you take?
- For which illness are you treated ?
- Have you got some allergies ?
- Where is the pain ?
- Mr Brexit : " I have a toothache " or "one of my fillings is broken " or "I have chipped my tooth" or "I would like a clean and polish please"
- Have you got a spontaneous pain ? A permanent pain ? A sharp pain ? A beating pain ?
- What are your symptoms ?
- Open your mouth please
- Open your mouth wider please
- Please relax ! Don't be so nervous Mr Brexit !
- You have got an abscess
- I'm going to give you an injection
- I' m going to have to take this tooth out
- Let me know if you feel any pain
- You need to have 3 new fillings on these teeth
- I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics
- Do you want a beautiful ceramic crown on this tooth ?
- How much is it ?
- Have a nice day
- Bye

Dsc05680 medium aphmfg - Eugenol

18/11/2016 à 10h28

Ou comme un serveur parisien, proche de Notre Dame :
Cash only, no credit card.

Utilisateur banni

18/11/2016 à 10h41

No it's not very expensive Mr Brexit. I have a special price for you. 😊
It was a pleasure meeting you. The pleasure was all mine. 😊😊

Images 1 qtgoxf - Eugenol

18/11/2016 à 11h38

remember Joan of Arc ?!
now let brexit of my office !!!

Rape p0as4f - Eugenol

18/11/2016 à 11h38

And keep in mind, Mr Brexit that My money is in Your pocket !

1309531 ours brun n5iukf - Eugenol

18/11/2016 à 12h14

junior® écrivait:
> You are very happy to have a new patient. But you don't speak fluently. With
> your excellent accent, the patient doesn't understand anything. So what can you
> do?

C'est très simple vous communiquer par écrit et pas de problème d'accent.
Si votre niveau d'anglais laisse à désirer google translate est suffisant pour une communication de base.

Utilisateur banni

18/11/2016 à 12h29

rapelapente écrivait:
> And keep in mind, Mr Brexit that My money is in Your pocket !

Your pockets seem to be big. Mr Brexit, I accept only the €500 banknotes.


18/11/2016 à 12h36

junior ne connait que deux pays dans le monde...

Utilisateur banni

18/11/2016 à 12h54

Mr Brexit ... You never know what might happen. I prefer that you pay me before I begin to treat you 😊

Le Rosbif

18/11/2016 à 14h10

Hey Junior, is this what you call some of that classic "French Humour"? ;-))

"Si chaque confrère envoi une brosse à dent, crois moi ca les fera réfléchir."

Utilisateur banni

18/11/2016 à 15h23

Le Rosbif écrivait:
> Hey Junior, is this what you call some of that classic "French Humour"? ;-))

-Mr Brexit ... I see that you like to see me regularly. Do you want me to help you to open a checking account in France ? Like that you will pay me easily
-Do you want to know where the nearest ATM is ?


18/11/2016 à 16h18

JUNIOR :thank you for the lesson

Le Rosbif

18/11/2016 à 20h30

junior® écrivait:
> Le Rosbif écrivait:
> -------------------
> > Hey Junior, is this what you call some of that classic "French Humour"? ;-))
> 😊😊
> -Mr Brexit ... I see that you like to see me regularly. Do you want me to help
> you to open a checking account in France ? Like that you will pay me easier
> -Do you want to know where the nearest ATM is ?

I have to pay to see you?! I have to inform you my Froggy friend that you will have to return the favour and you can't afford it ;-)

"Si chaque confrère envoi une brosse à dent, crois moi ca les fera réfléchir."

Utilisateur banni

18/11/2016 à 20h43

Rosbif ? Have you seen the American advertisement (MacDonald) ?
The sentence "I'm loving it" is not correct. After "to be" (présent continuous) we never use "ing" with the verbs : to love or to like. It's grammatically incorrect .
Or maybe is it a different rule that exists in the US ? Why do they say "I'm loving it" (whereas "I love it" is better) !?!???? It's strange ! Do you have any explanation ?


18/11/2016 à 21h15

Je ne sais pas si c'est con mais meme s'ils n'ont pas de secu en France, j'applique le meme tarif pour les anglais (sans carte vitale) que ceux qui en ont. En effet ils payent souvent en espèces en plus et je les enregistre tous dans le logiciel pour les déclarer. Trop bon, trop con?

Le Rosbif

19/11/2016 à 06h38

junior® écrivait:
> Rosbif ? Have you seen the American advertisement (MacDonald) ?
> The sentence "I'm loving it" is not correct. After "to be" (présent continuous)
> we never use "ing" with the verbs : to love or to like. It's grammatically
> incorrect .
> Or maybe is it a different rule that exists in the US ? Why do they say "I'm
> loving it" (whereas "I love it" is better) !?!???? It's strange ! Do you have
> any explanation ?

Yes. They don't know how to speak English. Unfortunately for some years now these "Americanisms" are becoming a part of the English language.
"Si chaque confrère envoi une brosse à dent, crois moi ca les fera réfléchir."

Utilisateur banni

19/11/2016 à 07h59

Rebellious135 écrivait:
> Je ne sais pas si c'est con mais meme s'ils n'ont pas de secu en France,
> j'applique le meme tarif pour les anglais (sans carte vitale) que ceux qui en
> ont. En effet ils payent souvent en espèces en plus et je les enregistre tous
> dans le logiciel pour les déclarer. Trop bon, trop con?

Tu portes bien ton nom toi 😊. Y en a un qui ne parle pas anglais , et c'est qui ? Notre rebellious135 :)
Oui moi aussi je pratique les mêmes tarifs pour un anglais que pour un français.

Utilisateur banni

22/05/2018 à 14h16

You have a patient who is a pretty English or American girl. What can you say to pick up her ?
1. What is your name ? Oh what a beautiful name !
2. What are you doing in France ? Is it your first time in France ? Where do you come from ?
3. Do you want to go for a drink this evening ? Do you fancy getting a bite to eat ?
4. You are so beautiful that you make me forget my pickup line. If you don’t speak fluently, it is a very good sentence :)
5. There is something wrong with my cellphone. It does not have you number in it. Could you give me your phone number baby ?
6. I love your teeth . I love your lips . I just want to tell you you have a gorgeous smile .Mmmmm.... grrrrrrrr
7. I had a great time with you tonight.
8. French fries or french kiss ? What do you prefer ?

Dprtmuluo7sk4wxn8aabgsxy7sde - Eugenol
Pervers Pépère

22/05/2018 à 14h32

Et comment on dit Ingrid est-ce que tu b... pour les anglaises jolies patientes (oui y en a, ou sont américaines peut-être) ?

Su-Père Pervers

Carie Grant

22/05/2018 à 16h05

Facile :

Images 3 nesubi - Eugenol

22/05/2018 à 16h06

Obviously, Junior needs a woman...

Utilisateur banni

30/05/2018 à 19h21

You want to say an insult :

Fuck you up Asswipe ! Je te la mets profond espèce de connard ... littéralement essuyeur de cul
Shut the fuck up dick head! Ferme ta putin de gueule tête de bite
asshole ! Trou du cul
Fuck you Douchebag ! Vas te faire sale blaireau
Pièce of shit ! Suck my balls Bastard ! Grosse merde tu peux sucer mes couilles batard !
Shut up motherfucker ! Ferme la enc Fils de péripatéticienne !

6szjws718sv1jksw54v4mpj3a6cu - Eugenol

30/05/2018 à 19h33

ça va mon Junior?

Utilisateur banni

30/05/2018 à 19h35

Si il y a un anglais qui vous embrouille je vous ai mis des insultes faites à ma sauce

6szjws718sv1jksw54v4mpj3a6cu - Eugenol

30/05/2018 à 19h59

ça te vient comment toutes ces idées?